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القراءة الليلية

ترجمة هذه الصفحة

الوزراة غير مسؤولة عن نتائج الترجمة الفورية الموفرة من جوجل.

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null بيوتي وورلد الشرق الأوسط

بيوتي وورلد الشرق الأوسط
التخصص الجمال والعافية

دورية الانعقاد: Annual


Beautyworld Middle East is one of the biggest international fairs for beauty and wellness products, accessories, and fragrances in the region. With a solid representation of global brands from thousands of companies every year, the event plays a vital role in the growth and expansion of the sector.

Key exhibits include new and innovative tech-driven products, personal care solutions, and sophisticated breakthrough developments integrating technologies such as AI and 3D printing with augmented reality and smart devices. Trailblazing sanitary products, homecare and detergents, and treatments and therapies for salons and spas are also introduced at the platform.

A highlight of the exhibition is the fragrance segment that includes compounds, raw materials and finished fragrances from prestigious brands and leading fragrance houses.

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مركز الاتصال وحماية المستهلك

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