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null UAE confirms its support for joint Arab efforts to promote economic synergy, trade exchanges & investment opportunities

01 Sep 2022

During its participation in 110th session of Economic and Social Council of the Arab League


UAE confirms its support for joint Arab efforts to promote economic synergy, trade exchanges & investment opportunities



H.E. Juma Al Kait leads the UAE delegation to the session



The UAE participated in the 110th session of the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League, which took place recently at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo. The UAE's delegation to the meeting was led by H.E. Juma Muhammad Al Kait, Assistant Undersecretary for Foreign Trade Affairs at the UAE Ministry of Economy.


H.E. Al Kait said: “In line with the directives of our wise leadership to support cooperation and joint Arab efforts in all development fields, the UAE is keen to support these efforts in every way we can. These will help develop a resilient and sustainable system that promotes trade and investments flows in the region, achieving prosperity and development for the Arab people.”


He pointed out the importance of promoting Arab economic synergy and the adoption of mechanisms that would contribute to increasing trade exchange between Arab countries, including the establishment of a unified customs union, addressing obstacles that may affect the movement of exports and imports, and adopting new economic policies that ensure a smooth flow of goods and commodities among the Arab countries as part of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area.


Furthermore, H.E. Al Kait underlined the importance of the Arab Economic and Social Council as a prominent platform that brings together the Arab countries to launch and implement initiatives and projects that support their collective economies and drive sustainable economic development in the region. He also confirmed the UAE's support for the outcomes of the Council meeting aimed at developing the Arab economic and social work system and deepening cooperation.


The session discussed latest developments with regard to Arab cooperation and the developments of the Arab Customs Union, in addition to frameworks for developing investments in the region and mechanisms to support the Palestinian economy. The council also reviewed the unified Arab Economic Report 2022, the Arab Food Security Report 2021, and explored ways to enhance cooperation in food security, in addition to partnership prospects between Arab countries in the social and development fields.

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