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UAE-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

The UAE-Indonesia CEPA was signed on 1 July 2022 and entered into force 1 September 2023. As a result of the agreement, businesses can now take advantage of many new benefits, including:

  • Providing better market access for UAE products to Indonesian market covering more than 90% of tariff lines and 94% value of trade with Indonesia.
  • An open and non-discriminatory environment for cross-border trade with Indonesia.
  • Enhanced market access for UAE’s service providers.
  • The removal of unnecessary technical barriers (TBT) for UAE and Indonesian exporters.
  • The use of international standards as a basis for technical regulations.
  • Enhanced access for UAE businesses to Indonesian government procurement opportunities.
  • Support for UAE companies through a 10 per cent price preference in Indonesian government procurement tenders.
  • Assurance that UAE products will not be subject to Indonesia’s anti-dumping investigations as such products are merely transshipped.
  • A Joint Committee to assess, revise and propose amendments to the CEPA, including improving market access.

The UAE-Indonesia CEPA includes 18 chapters

UAE-Indonesia CEPA Handbook

The UAE-Indonesia CEPA Market Access Dashboard

UAE exporters can now benefit from greater market access through preferential tariff rates. Some products will be subject to zero tariffs from day one - others will see them reduced over time. To determine the tariff classification (your HS code for your product), review the dashboard and find the tariff line description that best represents your product. From there you can view the preferential tariff rate for your product and estimate the charges.

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