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International Trade Relations Dashboard

The International Trade Relations Dashboard is the interactive platform of the Ministry of Economy to provide detailed information about the non-oil foreign trade relations of the UAE with different countries and regions across the world. The dashboard includes various icons where you can find specific information based on the country you selected.

  • Select a country.
  • The desired data can be viewed by clicking on specific icons or you can also export the PDF report to see the detailed information.
  • Click on ‘General Information’ to find the overview of a specific country such as the surface area, population growth, GDP, GDP growth, industry, services, imports and exports of goods and services, and inflation.
  • Click on ‘Trade Volume’ to see data about the Import, Non-oil Export and Re-export of a particular country.
  • Click on ‘Trade Growth and Balance’ to see the country’s Non-Oil Trade Growth graph.
  • Click on ‘Direct Trade Items’ to view the country’s Import items, Non-oil Export items and Re-export Items.
  • Click on ‘Investment Facts’ to see the data on Inward FDI Stock into the UAE and the Outward FDI from the UAE.
  • Click on ‘Committees and Agreements’ to view Bilateral Agreements, Joint Economic Committees, and Delegations & Visits.


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