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null UAE and South Korea sign MoU to promote cooperation in regulatory & legal frameworks for intellectual property sector

17 Jan 2023

UAE and South Korea sign MoU to promote cooperation in regulatory & legal frameworks for intellectual property sector



H.E. Al Saleh: The partnership will facilitate exchange of expertise in industrial property, modern technology and innovation



The Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) to strengthen cooperation and facilitate the exchange of expertise in the intellectual property (IP) sector. The MoU was signed by  H.E. Abdullah Bin Ahmed Al Saleh, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy; and Lee Insil, Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office.

H.E. Al Saleh emphasized that the UAE, thanks to the vision and directives of its wise leadership, has placed great emphasis on the development of its intellectual property environment in line with international best practices. This has contributed to supporting and encouraging innovation and creativity at both individual and institutional levels and has paved the way for a comprehensive and qualitative development of the UAE’s IP legislation, in line with the Principles of the 50 and the UAE Centennial 2071.

H.E added: “The Ministry of Economy is keen to strengthen its efforts in developing intellectual property landscape and promoting innovation in order to facilitate the dissemination and localization of advanced technology. This is key to nurturing an environment that is conducive for scientific research, innovative and creative activities and preparing national cadres in a way that enhances the UAE’s competitiveness in intellectual property rights, in line with the objectives of the National Innovation Strategy.”

He continued: "The signing of the memorandum is the latest in a series of MoUs signed by the Ministry with KIPO, one of the key sources of expertise in the field of intellectual property. The new MoU will bolster the regulatory and legal frameworks of the UAE’s intellectual property environment and help qualify and train key stakeholders on industrial property rights. Furthermore, it will enable them to share their latest experiences and knowledge on modern industrial property legal frameworks, which include intellectual property laws and guidelines and screening practices for applications submitted on new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), NFTs, string blocks, and the metaverse".

The partnership will also contribute to enhancing cooperation in analyzing and leveraging patent information, which will help identify and develop technological advancements in the UAE. It further entails exchange of knowledge on screening practices in the field of industrial designs and integrated circuits, among others.

The Ministry of Economy witnessed a 55.5 per cent year-over-year growth in the number of patent applications it received in 2022, while the number of industrial model applications grew by 30.6 per cent. Furthermore, the number of patent applications processed in 2022  grew by 5.4 per cent.

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