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null Ministry of Economy announces AED 10,000 fine for non-compliance with resolution to increase prices of eggs & poultry products in the country

11 Apr 2023

Ministry of Economy announces AED 10,000 fine for non-compliance with resolution to increase prices of eggs & poultry products in the country



Fines can go up to AED 200,000 if the violation is repeated



 The Ministry of Economy (MoE) announced that it will impose fines on suppliers and retailers that fail to comply with the Ministerial Resolution No. 41 of 2023, issued on March 6, 2023, raising the prices of eggs and poultry products by a maximum of 13 per cent. The violators of the provisions of this resolution will be fined no less than AED 10,000, which can go up to AED 200,000 if the violation is repeated. More details will be announced soon.


The Ministry indicated that its control teams, along with the local economic departments, had carried out intensive inspection tours to monitor the prices of egg and poultry products across all sales outlets in the country and detect unjustified price hikes. A majority of these inspection tours, a total of 300 of them, were carried out during the month of Ramadan, covering all consumer outlets, cooperatives, poultry product markets, and groceries across the country. These inspections ensure that suppliers and retailers have not raised the prices of these products by more than the established 13 per cent, and to implement the penalties stipulated by the Consumer Protection Law.


The Ministry explained that the decision to increase the prices of eggs and poultry products by a maximum of 13 per cent was taken after considering its negative impact on consumers with limited income sources and budgets, and ensuring that cheaper options are available. The abundance of these products in the country’ markets at varied price points helps maintain a stable and prosperous economic environment in the UAE.


MoE added that it is committed to maintaining a fair and balanced relationship between suppliers and consumers, ensuring market stability, promoting a sound consumer culture and preventing unjustified price increases. It continues to combat monopolistic practices through regulating and monitoring markets in cooperation with all competent authorities at the local and federal levels. Consumers’ health and safety are at the top of priorities while also promoting a safe consumer environment, supported by the Federal Law No. 15 of 2020 on Consumer Protection, it said.


The Ministry confirmed that a list of nearly 365 egg and poultry products has been published, demonstrating the official price set by the Ministry, which is the selling price to be displayed on the shelves of sales outlets. The consumers will be able to access this list on the Ministry’s website and on the websites of other competent authorities. The list will also be publicized through various media outlets, so that consumers are aware of it.


In addition, the Ministry of Economy called on consumers to actively contribute to monitoring by reporting any harmful commercial practices or price differences at sales outlets via the phone number 8001222.


MoE also called on sales outlets and suppliers in the country to abide by consumer protection legislation, in addition to preserving the quality and safety of commodities and food products.


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