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null H.E. Al Zeyoudi reviews Romania’s sustained economic growth factors during his visit to the country’s pavilion at Expo 2020

24 Mar 2022


  • Non-oil trade between the UAE and Romania grew by 25% in 2021, to reach AED 2 billion


H.E. Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, reviewed the merits of sustained economic growth in Romania during his visit to the country’s pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, located in the Sustainability District under the theme “New Nature: A delicate balance between nature and technology.”

H.E. noted that Expo 2020 Dubai is a platform that brings the world together in the UAE’s territory to connect, innovate, and build sustainable partnerships. He further underlined the importance of the world expo in strengthening the UAE’s position on the global economic landscape, attracting investment, and reinforcing its position as a destination for creators, talent, startups and a global hub for trade, business, investment, and tourism.

The minister reviewed the pavilion’s exhibits, including tools that were used to preserve the country’s water resources, as it houses 60% of the total mineral water in Europe. The pavilion showcases the factors driving sustained growth of Romania’s economy, innovative solutions as well as the stages of the country’s historical development in the fields of art, economics, science, and its charming nature.

The Romanian pavilion also allows visitors to learn about the close connection between humans and nature, as well as the solutions developed by the country in the fields of education and innovation, through an exciting journey that also reviews the Danube Delta, the second largest river delta and the best-preserved natural area in Europe.

The non-oil trade between the UAE and Romania grew by 25% over the past year to reach AED 2 billion, compared to AED 1.6 billion in 2020.

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