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null Ministry of Economy organizes awareness workshop to enhance efficiency of regulatory authorities in countering counterfeit & fraudulent goods

25 Oct 2023

Ministry of Economy organizes awareness workshop to enhance efficiency of regulatory authorities in countering counterfeit & fraudulent goods



Session held in collaboration with USPTO and Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry



The Ministry of Economy’s Consumer Protection and Commercial Control department, in collaboration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, organized a two-day awareness workshop on best practices in the administrative enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights. The workshop was aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the country’s regulatory authorities and raising their awareness on the methods for detecting counterfeit and adulterated products. The session was attended by H.E. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Muaini,  the Assistant Undersecretary of Intellectual Property sector; and Aisha Salem Howey, Intellectual Property Attache for the Middle East & North Africa, USPTO.

H.E. Dr. Al Muaini said that the UAE has come a long way in establishing a strong and sophisticated legislative system to counter all types of commercial fraud. Several laws governing IP, including anti-commercial fraud laws, consumer protection trademarks, copyright and neighboring rights, commercial agencies, as well as industrial property law contribute to enhancing the country’s key position on the global trade landscape, while also ensuring the competitiveness of its economy and the protection of consumers and creatives.

H.E. Al Muaini said: "The Ministry of Economy works in cooperation with its partners at the local and international levels to ensure that these legislation are implemented on the ground in accordance with highest global standards in this field, to ensure that stakeholders' rights are respected. It further contributes to promoting fair competition and strengthening the protection offered to the UAE community from the damage of fraud and counterfeit products and the risks involved in using them. This contributes to enhancing the UAE's position as a global destination for creativity and innovative projects."

H.E. noted that it is the Ministry of Economy’s strategy to raise consumer awareness by organizing several awareness workshops in cooperation with the country’s public and private sectors. This is needed to spread awareness on the need to combat commercial fraud and counterfeit products as well as to uphold intellectual property rights, thereby protecting consumers and contributing to a culture of self-censorship among individuals and institutions.

Furthermore, Dr Al Muaini asserted that the Ministry remains committed to conducting monitoring campaigns in the country’s markets on an ongoing basis, in coordination with the economic development departments, municipalities, customs bodies and services, the Federal Tax Authority, chambers of commerce and other relevant bodies. These efforts assess the compliance of outlets and businesses with the country’s legislation and penalize violators within the framework of the Ministry’s comprehensive regulatory strategy to enhance the UAE’s safe consumer environment.

H.E. highlighted that a total of 21,298 inspections were conducted in 2022, which found 1,164 irregularities. Inspections with regard to intellectual property theft amounted to approximately 248 rounds and found no violations. The number of inspection rounds conducted in 2023 on brands totaled 21,298, which found 1,189 violations.

H.E. reiterated the UAE’s keenness to foster cooperation with global governments and international organizations to counter commercial fraud and combat intellectual property offences of all kinds. It further contributes to entrenching the concept of fair competition within the business community.

Dr Al Muaini underlined the importance of the workshop in raising awareness on the risks of commercial fraud and intellectual property offences on national economies. The workshop also highlighted the role of governments in addressing them in general, and the steps taken by the UAE to create a safe economic environment that stimulates investments and takes into account consumers' rights in particular.

The workshop was attended by the representatives of the local economic departments, customs entities and the concerned municipalities, as well as other stakeholders from government and private sectors.

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