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null H.E. Al Zeyoudi visits Kenya Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

 ثاني الزيودي يزور جناح جمهورية كينيا في معرض إكسبو 2020 دبي
10 Feb 2022



H.E. Al Zeyoudi visits Kenya Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai


Minister reviews the African nation’s economic experience and future plans



H.E. Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, visited the Kenya Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, located in the Opportunity District under the theme ‘Feel the energy of Kenya.’

The Minister underlined that Expo 2020 Dubai supports the UAE's policy of openness as it serves as a world-leading platform to strengthen international partnerships and a model for the convergence of minds and efforts to build the future. He noted that the Expo enhances the UAE's global position as a business incubator and supports its attractiveness to FDI, thereby contributing to sustainable growth in all economic sectors.

During the visit, H.E. Al Zeyoudi learned about Kenya's economic, business, and investment experiences, as well as its promising future plans for sustainable development. The pavilion highlights the African nation’s prosperous sectors, its culture, and the ideal opportunities it offers to create the leadership it offers. It also sheds light on Nairobi’s role as a vital center that leads and facilitates the interdependence and connectivity between Africa and the rest of the world.

The Kenya Pavilion takes visitors on a journey through its diverse cultures consisting 44 tribes and the country’s agricultural and economic potential, its innovation and industry sectors, and efforts to drive digital transformation and seize opportunities.

Kenya is the sixth largest trading partner of the UAE among non-Arab African countries. In 2021, UAE-Kenya non-oil trade amounted to nearly USD 2.2 billion (AED 8.2 billion), achieving a 20% growth compared to 2020.

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