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null  The Entrepreneurial Nation launches ‘ScaleUp Digitize’ in partnership with Huawei to promote digital transformation of SMEs

17 Jul 2022

 The Entrepreneurial Nation launches ‘ScaleUp Digitize’ in partnership with Huawei to promote digital transformation of SMEs



  • Through the program, Huawei will offer its expertise in digital solutions & big data to promote the growth of SMEs





The Entrepreneurial Nation, the national project by the Ministry of Economy designed to transform the UAE’s entrepreneurship landscape into a globally competitive and innovative one, launched the ScaleUp Digitize program in partnership with Huawei. The program is aimed at promoting innovation and the digital transformation of both startups and SMEs in the UAE by enabling them to enhance their digital infrastructure through the adoption of cloud technologies and services. The integration of these services are set to expedite their growth to become Unicorns with the ability to compete in local and international markets. ScaleUp Digitize falls under the SacleUp program, which is one of the three main tracks of The Entrepreneurial Nation.

The partnership with Huawei reflects the UAE’s focus on ensuring the development of its entrepreneurial sector as a major pillar of the new economic model; enhancing its sustainability and agility; and its alignment with futuristic trends based on knowledge, innovation, technology, and digitization. These efforts are in line with the Principles of the 50 and the goal to strengthen the UAE’s position as a leading global hub for entrepreneurship, talent and FDI. The Ministry of Economy has therefore invited SMEs to sign up for the ScaleUp Digitize program through The Entrepreneurial Nation website 

In order to be eligible for registration in the program, applicants must be owners of already-existing SMEs with 10 or more employees that generate revenues or must have successfully secured funding at least once. Apart from that, the founding team must have a passion for advanced cloud technologies and AI. The deadline for the submission of applications is the 20th of August, 2022.

The Ministry further announced that only 15 SMEs will be selected to participate in the first cycle of the program. Each selected company will receive Huawei Cloud training and vouchers valued at up to AED 60,000. These vouchers can be redeemed to purchase cloud computing services, cloud storage, cloud network, and cloud database, in addition to receiving hands-on training in Huawei Cloud technologies, AI, and big data tools.

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