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Basic Facts About the UAE

Basic Facts About the UAE


≈ 9.8 million people in 2021


71,023.6 km²


The UAE overlooks the Arabian Gulf and borders the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the South and West and the Sultanate of Oman to the Southeast.


The UAE time is 4 hours ahead of GMT.


The Emirati Dirham is the official national currency. The US dollar is exchanged for the UAE Dirham at a rate of 3.67, and credit cards are widely accepted.


The UAE has a warm and sunny weather most of the year, recording an ideal temperature from October to May.

Official Language

Arabic is the official language and English is widely spoken in public, markets and restaurants.

200 Nationalities

The UAE hosts large foreign communities and all residents enjoy freedom of civil rights and practice of religion.

Security and Safety

The UAE was ranked the third safest country in the world in 2020, offering residents and visitors highest levels of safety.

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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