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Initial approval for foreign Entity branch

This service allows the issuance of an initial approval for foreign Entity branch, valid for a period of four months, to complete its procedures with the Concerned Authority.

Service Fees

Service fees: AED 3,500

Conditions and Requirements

    • The Entity shall not have a commercial agent in the commercial agencies register at the Ministry of Economy.
    • The required documents shall be duly attested.

Required Documents

    • A copy of the trade name reservation certificate and the initial approval certificate of the Concerned Authority, (if any).
    • A copy of an official certificate from the Concerned Authority in the country in which the Entity was established, indicating the date of establishment, the name of the Entity, the legal form, the names of the owners of the Entity, the activity practiced by the entity and the capital.
    • A copy of the resolution of the administrative body of the entity to open the branch or representative office.
    • A copy of the agency contract between the entity and the service agent (if any).
    • A copy of the agent's ID, if the agent is an individual or the owner of a sole proprietorship. If the agent is a company, a copy of the company's trade license and an appendix of the names and identities of the partners shall be attached.

Steps and Procedures

  • 01

    Choose the service from the list of E-Services.

  • 02

    Sign in with UAE PASS.

  • 03

    Fill in the application data and attach documents.

  • MoEc

    Ensure the correctness of the entered data and attached documents and send a message to the customer to complete the missing data (if any

  • MoEc

    Accept or reject the request with sending a message to the establishment through the electronic system.

  • 04

    Pay the fees 3500 AED.

  • MoEc

    Automatically issue the initial registration certificate from the system

  • MoEc

    Issue the initial approval certificate to be submitted to the Concerned Authority in accordance with the approved ministry form, which is valid for a period of four months (The entity is not entitled to practice business during this period).

Service Type


Average Duration for Service Delivery

One working days

Service Provision Channels

  • MoE website.
  • MoE smart app.

Target Audience

  • Foreign Companies.
  • Free zone Companies.

Service Provision Timings

24 Hours

Contact Details

Call Center




Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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