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Foreign Entity branch cancellation

This service allows the entity to cancel its registration from the foreign entities Register at the Ministry.

Service Fees

  • N/A


  • The bank guarantee shall be issued after one month from the date of the announcement.


Conditions and Requirements

    • The entity shall complete the procedures for publishing an announcement during the period of validity of its registration with the Ministry. In the event that the entity fails to publish during that period, the entity shall collect the fees due for renewal and the delay penalty.
    • The required documents shall be duly attested.

Required Documents

    • A copy of a valid registration certificate.
    • A letter stating the termination or expiration of the Service Agent Contract between the Foreign Entity and the Service Agent.
    • A copy of the parent company's resolution to cancel the registration.

Steps and Procedures

  • 01

    Choose the service from the list of E-Services.

  • 02

    Sign in with UAE PASS.

  • 03

    Attach required documents.

  • MoEc

    Ensure the correctness of the entered data and attached documents and send a message to the customer to complete the missing data (if any).

  • MoEc

    Accept or reject the request and send a message to the entity through the electronic system.

  • MoEc

    Provide the establishment with the approved announcement form to be published in two local magazines, at least one of which is published in Arabic.

  • MoEc

    Issue the cancellation decision and issue the bank guarantee after one month from the date of the announcement.

Service Type


Average Duration for Service Delivery

One working day

Service Provision Channels

  • MoE website
  • MoE smart app

Target Audience

  • UAE nationals, Residents, Foreign companies.

Service Provision Timings

24 Hours

Contact Details

Call Center




Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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