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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Merge (or acquisition) foreign Entity

This service allows the merger or acquisition of one entity with another entity.

Service Fees

  • Service fee: AED 7,500 for the main branch.


  • Amendment fee of AED 1,500 shall be charged per branch. In the event that a new bank guarantee is submitted, the previous bank guarantee shall be issued.

Conditions and Requirements

    • The required documents shall be duly attested.
    • If the registration expires, a renewal fee of AED 7,500 shall be paid for each branch / representative office.

Required Documents

    • A copy of the trade name reservation certificate / a copy of the initial approval certificate with the Concerned Authority in the emirate indicating the required activity.
    • A copy of the resolution of the administrative body of the two entities.
    • A copy of the certificate / statement from the Concerned Authority in the country in which the two entities were established stating that the merger took place.
    • A copy of the new service agent's contract and/or a copy of the previous service agent's termination contract (in case of amending a service agent).
    • A copy of an official certificate from the Concerned Authority in the country in which the Entity was established, indicating the date of establishment, the name of the Entity, the legal form, the names of the owners of the Entity, the activity practiced by the entity and the capital.
    • A copy of the authorization granted to the responsible manager.

Steps and Procedures

  • 01

    Choose the service from the list of E-Services     

  • 02

    Sign in with UAE PASS.

  • 03

    Fill the application data and attach required documents.

  • MoEc

    Ensure the correctness of the entered data and attached documents and send a message to the customer to complete the missing data (if any).

  • MoEc

    If the request is rejected, a message shall be sent to the entity through the electronic system, with the reasons for rejection.

  • MoEc

    If the request is accepted, the entity shall be given the approved announcement form to be published in one of the local magazines in Arabic and only once time.

  • MoEc

    After two weeks from the publication of the announcement, the request is accepted after ensuring that the prescribed fees have been paid.

  • MoEc

    Issue registration certificate for branches/representative offices automatically.

Service Type


Average Duration for Service Delivery

3 working days

Service Provision Channels

  • MoE website
  • MoE smart app

Target Audience

  • Foreign Companies.

Service Provision Timings

24 Hours

Contact Details

Call Center




Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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