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Innovation and Creativity General Policy

Within the framework of the Ministry of Economy's seek to develop a flexible system for a new future economy that enhances the business environment, motivates the attraction of investments, talents and innovative ideas, and developing policies, legislation, and proactive projects to raise the standard of living and prosperity of society, the Ministry is keen to create a diversified global competitive economy based on knowledge and innovation, develop the innovative regulatory and legislative environment for the economic sector, enhance the business environment and governance, provide high-quality services, enable small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship, support competitiveness in innovation, protect intellectual property rights, as well as improve the country's position in foreign markets and its position as a leading tourist destination through research and development, strategic planning, innovation and creativity, future foresight, and establishing an environment that encourages innovation and building Talent and capabilities, enhancing partnership in innovation and committing to best practices.

In order to achieve these directions, our Policy focused on the following:

  • Developing an integrated system for innovation management from the Ministry's strategy according to ISO 56002;
  • Establishing a culture of innovation and providing and using all supporting resources and enablers to achieve the benefit, continuous improvement, and development of innovation processes;
  • Providing an ecosystem for innovation that allows employees and concerned entities to participate and engage with the innovation management system and encourage, reward, and celebrate them for submitting creative suggestions and ideas;
  • Adhering to the principles of innovation in creating value and developing future leaders to profit from visions and strategic directions based on creativity, change adaption, and technical system development;
  • Protecting employees' ideas and preserving their intellectual rights according to the approved procedures and applicable laws;
  • Facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge to create an enabling environment for the production of innovative ideas;
  • Managing, analyzing, and using the knowledge and access to information;
  • Maintaining sustainable relationships with partners to achieve common objectives and share expertise, resources, knowledge, and innovative solutions;
  • Adhering to legal, regulatory, and other requirements related to business ethics and sustainability
  • Developing the employees’ skills to enhance innovation processes, the Ministry's services, self-development, and teamwork; and
  • Complying with continuous improvement of the innovation management system.

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