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Consumer Protection and Commercial Control Legislations

Cabinet Resolution No. (57) of 2024 on the Administrative Violations and Penalties for Acts Violating the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (56) of 2024 Concerning the Telemarketing Regulations
Cabinet Resolution No. (56) of 2024 on the Telemarketing Regulations
مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (5) لسنة 2023 بتعديل بعض أحكام القانون الاتحادي رقم (15) لسنة 2020 في شأن حماية المستهلك
Cabinet Decision No. 66/2023 Concerning the Executive Regulation of the Federal Law No. 15/2020 Concerning the Consumer Protection
تسهم الائحة التنفيذية بشأن حماية المستهلك للقانون الاتحادي رقم 15 لسنة 2020 - إرساء منظومة متكاملة لحماية حقوق المستهلك. - خلق التوزان المطلوب في العلاقة التعاقدية ما بين المستهلك والمزوّد. - تفصيل التزامات المزودّ بما يحمي المستهلك عند اكتشاف عيب في السلعة او الخدمة، تنفيذ الضمانات، استرداد السلعة، الإعلان عن الأسعار، تكرار الخلل، خدمة ما بعد البيع - حظر إدراج أيّ شرط يضرّ بالمستهلك و حظر الممارسات الاحتكارية. - تأكيد اختصاص السلطة المختصة باستلام شكاوى المستهلكين، مع تحديد الحالات التيّ يتمّ فيها تقديم الشكوى للوزارة بالاتفاق ما بين الوزارة و السلطة المختصة. - استحداث غرامات مالية جزاءات إدارية عند ارتكاب المزود لأفعال بالمخالفة لأحكام القانون و لائحته التنفيذية بما يسهم في رفع نسبة الامتثال بتشريعات حماية المستهلك
Federal Law No (15) of 2020 on Consumer Protection
This law aims to protect all consumer rights, especially those pertaining to the quality of goods and services, acquiring them at their published prices, consumer health and safety and promoting sound consumption practices. The provisions of this law apply to all goods and services in the UAE – including free zones – as well as related operations carried out by suppliers, advertisers or trade agents; including through e-commerce if the supplier is registered in the UAE, and without prejudice to international conventions and treaties to which the UAE is a signatory. The law identifies consumer rights, the mandates of the Higher Committee for Consumer Protection, obligations of suppliers, advertisers and trade agents, price of goods and services and emergency situations. This is in addition to the role of the Ministry of Economy in protecting consumer rights and other provisions.
Federal Law No (19) of 2016 on Combating Commercial Fraud
The provisions of this federal law apply to whomever commits an act of commercial fraud, with free zones in the UAE being no exception. The law identifies the types of commercial fraud, the responsibilities of merchants, the functions and mandates of competent authorities, as well as pertinent penalties and penalisation. Pursuant to the provisions of this law, the Higher Committee for Combating Commercial Fraud was established – under the Ministry of Economy – chaired by the ministry undersecretary and includes the membership of representatives from competent authorities. The committee is primarily mandated with proposing strategies and policies for combating commercial fraud, examining the commercial fraud reports referred to it by the competent authority and actioning as needed, examining the obstacles facing implementation of the law and proposing remedial mechanisms; as well as issuing the regulations for the work of sub-committees and any other relevant tasks assigned to it.
Cabinet Decision No. 120/2022 On the Rules and Controls for Pricing Consumer Goods in the State
Cabinet Resolution No (11) of 2020 regarding the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (19) of 2016 on Anti - Commercial Fraud
This resolution aims to identify the measures undertaken by the competent authority to detect counterfeit or corrupt goods and the means of withdrawing the same from the markets, if it becomes apparent to the sub-committee that the trader maintains goods within the UAE and that the goods present in the market constitute commercial fraud. The resolution also addresses the disposal by the competent authority of counterfeit or corrupt goods, should the trader abstain from returning said goods to the country of origin or export source. This is in addition to the expenses associated with the disposal of these goods, which the trader must incur. The resolution further identifies the guidelines for the destruction and recycling of counterfeit goods; namely the existence of a judicial order or sub-committee decision for destruction, the attendance of a sub-committee representative, verifying destruction in a way that the goods may no longer be utilised or consumed and compiling a report signed by the representative of the sub-committee.
Cabinet Resolution No (12) of 2007 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (24) of 2006 on Consumer Protection
Pursuant to the provisions of this resolution, the Consumer Protection Department at the Ministry of Economy shall prepare studies and reports on extraordinary circumstances and crises within the market; identify the reasons for extraordinary increase in prices and shall present the same to the High Committee for Consumer Protection to issue recommendations as to measures necessary to control such increase in prices. The resolution identifies the basis for determining what is considered an extraordinary increase in prices; as well as cases that specifically constitute a state of monopoly, consumer rights – including right of protection against products, production operations, or services causing harm to health or safety, right to be provided with the facts that assist them in proper purchases and consumption and right of compensation and fair settlement of lawful claims, among other rights. The resolution further details provider obligations to recall goods from the local markets or consumers.

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