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Legislations Regulating the Economic Sector in the UAE

This page allows you to view all legislations, laws, decrees, regulations and regulatory resolutions that have been issued to regulate the economic, trade and investment sectors in the UAE. These laws and legislations are divided as follows:

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Federal Law No (2) of 2014 on Small and Medium Projects and Enterprises
This law aims to develop projects and enterprises into key pillars that support economic development in the UAE, as well as promulgate and promote a culture of research, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. This is in addition to coordinating the efforts exerted by relevant entities towards furthering projects and enterprises, enhancing competitiveness, developing programmes and initiatives that are conducive to their growth, incentivising and supporting the participation of UAE nationals in the labour market through such projects and enterprises; and contributing to the UAE’s gross domestic product. Pursuant to the provisions of this law, the National SME Programme was established at the Ministry of Economy, with the law identifying the mandates of the programme and how to register projects and enterprises therein. This is in addition to the facilities and incentives afforded to project and enterprise owners who are members of the programme. Furthermore, the SME Council was established and its mandates are also outlined by this law.
Cabinet Resolution No (35) of 2016 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (2) of 2014 on Small and Medium Projects and Enterprises
This resolution identifies the pre-requisites for allocating an appropriate space for owners of projects and enterprises - who are members of the National SME Programme - to showcase their products in international exhibitions in which the UAE participates. Pursuant to this resolution, sufficient information on external markets is made available to owners of projects and enterprises that are members of the programme, as per the guidelines prescribed. The resolution further sheds light on the facilities granted to projects and enterprises that contain designated research, development and innovation departments and which have achieved economic success. This is in addition to the facilities granted to inventors and owners of patents in the UAE, such as facilitating funding services to complete research and development of inventions and innovations. The resolution also outlines details pertaining to enterprise insurance.
Federal Decree-Law No. 50/2022 Issuing the Commercial Transactions Law
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (40) لسنة 2023 بشأن الهيكل التنظيمي لوزارة الاقتصاد
Federal Decree-Law No. 14/2023 on Trading by Modern Technological Means
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 114 ) لسنة 2022 بشأن تعديل بعض أحكام قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 20 ) لسنة 2020 في شأن رسوم الخدمات التي تقدمها وزارة الاقتصاد
Cabinet Resolution No (20) of 2020 regarding Services Fees Provided by the Ministry of Economy
This resolution includes a table outlining all the services offered by the Ministry of Economy, including copyrights and related rights, commercial agencies, trademarks, exporting scrap metal, auditors, “Made in the UAE” mark, industrial property of patents, commercial and foreign companies and certificates of origin for domestic products. The resolution also stipulates the administrative penalties imposed on violations, such as delaying the renewal of commercial registration for more than (30) days from the date of expiry thereof, delaying the payment of trademark registration fees, failing to observe the deadline for modifying the details in the foreign companies’ register and other relevant breaches. It also addresses details relating to grievances filed with the Ministry of Economy and amending administrative charges and penalties.
Family Business Code of Conduct
Memorandum of Association of [Family Business Name]
Family Business Charter
Joint Venture Agreement
Joint venture agreement contemplating the establishment of a joint venture company where the partners each hold 50% of the shares. This agreement sets out the basis on which such company shall be established and shall govern the relationship of the Parties as shareholders in such company [and further sets out the basis of certain other arrangements to be entered into between the Parties and/or their Affiliates on the one hand and such company on the other].
Advisory Agreement (for Individuals)
Advisory Agreement pursuant to which the service provider is providing certain advisory services to the customer. - Customer wishes to benefit from various advisory services and assistance from Advisor to be provided by suitable personnel in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. - The draft contemplates the governing law to be UAE law. - This is an example of a long-term advisory arrangement. - The advisor is paid an annual fee, payable monthly in arrears. - As part of the services, the advisor will nominate and make available to the customer certain specific personnel.
Agency Agreement
Agency Agreement pursuant to which the agent supports the promotion and sale of the principal’s products. The Principal hereby appoints the Agent for the term of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions hereof as its [non-] exclusive or exclusive agent in respect of the marketing and sale of the Products in the Territory and the Agent accepts such appointment.
Assignment Agreement
A generic Template of an Assignment Agreement Whereas the Assignor intends to assign any of its legal and beneficial rights, title, interest or obligations under the Agreement to the Assignee. The draft contemplates the governing law to be UAE law.
Intellectual Property Right Assignment Agreement
Declaration of irrevocably and unconditionally assign and transfer all my financial rights, my rights, title to [assignee] , in order to fully utilize it for unlimited period commencing from [the date the Work delivered].
Consulting Services Agreement (for Companies)
Consulting Services Agreement pursuant to which the consultant is providing certain consultancy services to the customer. By and between the customer, which is a company incorporated and existing under the laws of [insert country of incorporation] and having and having its address at [insert address], and the Consultant, which is a company incorporated and existing under the laws of [insert country of incorporation] and having and having its address at [insert address].
Distribution Agreement (Exclusive/Non-exclusive)
Distribution Agreement for the distribution of products in the UAE. 1. The Supplier wishes to appoint the Distributor as its [exclusive]/ [non-exclusive] distributor for the promotion, sale and distribution of the Products within the Territory on the terms of this Agreement. 2. The Distributor wishes to accept such appointment subject to the terms of this Agreement. 3. The territory under this draft is the UAE only and does not contemplate any other cross-border distribution activities into other GCC countries. 4. The draft contemplates the governing law to be UAE law. 5. The distributor in this example is not permitted to assign the agreement or appoint sub-distributors. 6. In terms of delivery, the parties have to choose the relevant Incoterms that best suite the supply pipeline agreed to.
Restaurant Franchise Agreement
Franchise Agreement for the franchising of a restaurant concept and the licensing of the associated intellectual property. 1. The draft contemplates the governing law to be UAE law. 2. This draft also authorises the opening and operation of one single restaurant outlet at a fixed location. 3. The obligations of the parties under the agreement are subject to the franchisee obtaining ownership or a lease rights to the approved location and that all the restaurant fit out works are performed in accordance with the franchisor’s requirements. 4. In terms of fees, the franchisee will pay an initial franchise fee and then a percentage of turnover as royalties to the franchisor.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement (Assignment of part or some of Intellectual Property Rights)
An agreement on the provisions of an IP Assignment The purpose of this Agreement is to assign particular IPR pertaining to a product under applicable UAE laws. It is assumed the governing law is UAE law. Details of the Assigned IP (defined below) should be provided in full.
Management Agreement
An agreement for the provision of management services
Memorandum of Association
A generic Template of an MOA of a Limited Liability Company with multiple shareholders
Memorandum of Association
A generic Template of an MOA for a Sole Proprietorship company The Memorandum of Association for Sole Proprietorship - limited liability Company (LLC) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Decree Law No. 32 of 2021 concerning Commercial Companies and its amendments.
Services Agreement
Services Agreement pursuant to which the draft contemplates a service to be provided in the UAE. It is drafted with reference to a work for hire type of agreement with a focus on the IP rights. There are different forms of service agreements, and it has to be looked at carefully and specific consideration on the type of service to be provided.
Settlement Agreement Template
This Draft is a settlement agreement
Shareholders Agreement
Short Form Shareholder Agreement
Share Purchase Agreement – Short Form
Short Form Share Purchase Agreement for the sale of shares by two sellers to a corporate purchaser.
Facilities Agreement
This is a Facilities Agreement Template
Trademark Assignment Agreement
An agreement on the provisions of a Trademark Assignment 1. The draft contemplates assignment of UAE registered trademark. 2. The draft contemplates the governing law to be UAE law. 3. Details of the trademark subject to the assignment shall be provided in full. To assign a trademark it has to be registered. The assignment consideration should be considered based on the commercial agreement between the parties. It is worth noting that according to the UAE Trademarks Law, assignment can be made without consideration.
Trademark License Agreement
An agreement on the provisions of Trademark Licenses It is an agreement under which the owner of the trademark registered in the UAE shall grant a license for using the trademark, and the scope of the license shall determine the obligations and shall grant the various rights.
Federal Decree-Law No. (36) of 2023 Regulating Competition
Cabinet Resolution No (37) of 2014 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (4) of 2012 concerning the Regulation of Competition
Cabinet Resolution No (37) of 2014 addresses regulation procedures for exceptions; including controls of notifications, the examination of notifications, the minister’s resolution concerning an exception, approving the amendment of an exception and evaluating competition. This is in addition to procedures regulating economic centralism, approving an application on economic centralism process and examination thereof by the competent entity and the minister’s resolution on applications for approving an economic centralism process. The resolution further clarifies all relevant details to autonomous investigation, complaint investigation and the minister’s resolutions on complaints following the review of the detailed complaint report compiled by the competent entity. This is in addition to re-consideration requests submitted in writing to the minister; as well as the conditions of conciliation of any act that breaches the provisions of the law, by the minister or whomever he authorises.
قرار استثناء المنشآت التي تملكها الحكومة الاتحادية من تطبيق بعض أحكام المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (36) لسنة 2023 في شأن تنظيم المنافسة
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (13) لسنة 2016 بشأن النسب والضوابط المرتبطة تطبيق القانون الاتحادي رقم (4) لسنة 2012 في شأن تنظيم المنافسة
Federal Law No. (3) of 2022 Regulating Commercial Agencies
Ministerial Decision No. 214/2023 On Registration Data in the Commercial Agencies Register
Ministerial Decision No. 215/2023 On the Controls and Standards for Assessment of the Volume of the Agent’ s Investments in the Commercial Agency to Request Non-Enforcement of the Provisions Related to the Expiration of the Commercial Agency Stipulated in Clauses (A) And (B) of Article 9(1) of Federal Decree-Law No. 50/2022 on the Commercial Agency Thereof Ten Years Before the Effective Date of the Law Type
Ministerial Decision No. 216/2023 On Regulating the Terms and Conditions for the Entry of Goods or Services Bound by Commercial Agencies for a Temporary Period During the Duration of the Dispute Between the Agent and the Principal
Cabinet Decision No. 89/2023 On the Issuance of the Regulation of Administrative Penalties for Acts committed in Violation of the Provisions of Federal Law No. 3/2022 on the Regulation of Commercial Agencies
Cabinet Decision No. 82/2023 Concerning the Trade Agencies Committee
Cabinet Decision No. 83/2023 On the Procedures, Controls and Conditions Required for the Practice of Commercial Agency Business by Public Joint Stock Companies
قرار مجلس الوزراء لسنة 2012 بتحرير الأغذية
Cabinet Decree No. (3/3) of 2006
قرار مجلس الوزراء (1\538) لسنة 2005
طلب عرض نزاع على لجنة الوكالة التجارية لدى وزارة الإقتصاد
Federal Decree Law No (20) of 2018 on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Illegal Organisations
This federal decree law constitutes a key pillar in combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism; as well as enhancing the efficiency of legal and institutional frameworks in the UAE. Pursuant to the provisions of this law, any person, having the knowledge that the funds are the proceeds of a felony or a misdemeanour, and who wilfully commits any of the following acts, shall be considered a perpetrator of the crime of money laundering: transferring or moving proceeds or conducting any transaction with the aim of concealing or disguising their illegal source; acquiring, possessing or using proceeds upon receipt; or assisting the perpetrator of the offense to escape punishment. This law ratified the establishment of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Illegal Organisations, to be chaired by the governor of the Central Bank of the UAE. Also pursuant to the provisions of this law, each of the designated supervisory authorities shall oversee, monitor and ensure compliance with the provisions prescribed in this decree by federal law and its executive regulations.
Federal Decree Law No (26) of 2021 to amend certain provisions of Fedreral Decree Law No (20) of 2018 on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Illegal Organisations
مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (7) لسنة 2024 بتعديل بعض أحكام المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم ( 20 ( لسنة 2018 بشأم مواجهة جرائم غسل الأموال ومكافحة تمويل الإرهاب وتمويل التنظيمات غير المشروع ة
Cabinet Decision No (10) of 2019 concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Decree Law No (20) of 2018 on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Illegal Organisations
The decision identifies the financial activities and operations; designated non-financial businesses and professions; the obligations of financial enterprises and non-financial businesses and professions for defining and mitigating risks; customer due diligence in terms of verifying customer identity and actual beneficiary, and necessary risk-mitigating procedures. The decision also clarifies the importance of reporting suspicious transactions, the obligations of non-financial businesses and professions if any criminal activity is suspected, as well as the policies, procedures and internal measures for combating criminal activity. The decision also discusses identifying and assessing the risks of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the assessment of risks prior to the launch of products or technologies. It further addresses details pertaining to transparency, actual beneficiaries, maintaining the confidentiality of information of suspicious transactions, together with identifying the mandates and functions of the financial intelligence unit.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم 24 لسنة 2022 بتعديل بعض أحكام قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ) 10 ) لسنه 2019 في شأن اللائحة التنفيذية للمرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم ) 20 ( لسنة 2018 في شأن مواجهة جرائم غسل الأموال ومكافحة تمويل الإرهاب وتمويل التنظيمات غير المشروعة
Cabinet Decision No. 74/2020 Concerning the UAE List of Terrorists and the Implementation of UN Security Council Decisions Relating to Preventing and Countering Financing Terrorism and Leveraging Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Relevant Resolutions
Cabinet Decision No (109) of 2023 on regulating the procedures of the beneficial owner prodcedures
Cabinet Resolution No. (132) of 2023 Concerning the Administrative Penalties against Violators of The Provisions of the Cabinet Resolution No. (109) of 2023 Concerning the Regulation of Beneficial Owner Procedures
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (71) لسنة 2024 بشأن تنظيم المخالفات والجزاءات الإدارية التي توقع على المخالفين لإجراءات مواجهة غسل الأموال ومكافحة تمويل الإرهاب الخاضعين لرقابة وزارة العدل ووزارة الاقتصاد.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (55) لسنة 2024 بشأن اللائحة التنفيذية للمرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (6) لسنة 2022 بشأن التعاونيات
Federal Decree-Law No. (6) of 2022 on Cooperatives
Federal Law No (3) of 2020 regarding the Regulation of the Strategic Stock of Food Commodities
This federal law aims to regulate and organise food supplies in the event of crises, emergencies and disasters, and achieve food sustainability. Under the provisions of the law, the Ministry of Economy has the jurisdiction to prepare reports, studies, statistics and the economic evaluation of food commodities, estimate consumption volumes, determine surpluses and deficits as well as prepare databases on the production and availability of food commodities in the country and countries of origin. The law also specifies the obligations of the supplier and the registered merchants, and warehouses and storage conditions, in addition to the incentives and facilities that may be granted to the supplier and registered merchants, and the penalties for violators.
تعميم ضوابط حضور الجمعيات العمومية من خلال المشاركة الإلكترونية (عن بُعد) للأعضاء المساهمين للجمعيات التعاونية
تم إصدار هذا التعميم بهدف تنفيذ أحكام القانون الاتحادي رقم (13) لسنة 1976 في شأن الجمعيات التعاونية وأحكام القرار الوزاري رقم (1 - 50) لسنة 2021 بشأن الضوابط المنظمة لعقد اجتماعات الجمعيات العمومية للجمعيات التعاونية، ولضمان تحقيق المتطلبات القانونية والحفاظ على حقوق الأعضاء المساهمين. ويحدد التعميم كافة الالتزامات الخاصة بمجلس إدارة الجمعية التعاونية، ومزود الخدمة، بالإضافة إلى التزامات وحقوق الأعضاء المساهمين.
النظام الداخلي النموذجي لجمعية تعاونية المرفق بالقرار الوزاري رقم 23/1976
يضم هذا النظام مجموعة من الأبواب تشمل اسم الجمعية ومقرها ومنطقة عملها وأغراضها، شروط ومتطلبات العضوية في الجمعية، أموال الجمعية والأسهم ومسؤولية الأعضاء، إدارة الجمعية والاختصاصات ذات الصلة، تفاصيل تعيين مراقب الحسابات، والجمعية العمومية العادية وغير العادية. كما يتناول النظام الداخلي النموذجي للجمعية التعاونية التفاصيل الخاصة بالسنة المالية، وكيفية توزيع صافي الأرباح والخسائر والاحتياطي العام، بالإضافة إلى شروط حلّ الجمعية القائمة.
Cabinet Resolution No. (57) of 2024 on the Administrative Violations and Penalties for Acts Violating the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (56) of 2024 Concerning the Telemarketing Regulations
Cabinet Resolution No. (56) of 2024 on the Telemarketing Regulations
Federal Law by Decree No. (42) of 2023 Concerning Anti-Commercial Fraud
مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (5) لسنة 2023 بتعديل بعض أحكام القانون الاتحادي رقم (15) لسنة 2020 في شأن حماية المستهلك
Cabinet Decision No. 66/2023 Concerning the Executive Regulation of the Federal Law No. 15/2020 Concerning the Consumer Protection
تسهم الائحة التنفيذية بشأن حماية المستهلك للقانون الاتحادي رقم 15 لسنة 2020 - إرساء منظومة متكاملة لحماية حقوق المستهلك. - خلق التوزان المطلوب في العلاقة التعاقدية ما بين المستهلك والمزوّد. - تفصيل التزامات المزودّ بما يحمي المستهلك عند اكتشاف عيب في السلعة او الخدمة، تنفيذ الضمانات، استرداد السلعة، الإعلان عن الأسعار، تكرار الخلل، خدمة ما بعد البيع - حظر إدراج أيّ شرط يضرّ بالمستهلك و حظر الممارسات الاحتكارية. - تأكيد اختصاص السلطة المختصة باستلام شكاوى المستهلكين، مع تحديد الحالات التيّ يتمّ فيها تقديم الشكوى للوزارة بالاتفاق ما بين الوزارة و السلطة المختصة. - استحداث غرامات مالية جزاءات إدارية عند ارتكاب المزود لأفعال بالمخالفة لأحكام القانون و لائحته التنفيذية بما يسهم في رفع نسبة الامتثال بتشريعات حماية المستهلك
Federal Law No (15) of 2020 on Consumer Protection
This law aims to protect all consumer rights, especially those pertaining to the quality of goods and services, acquiring them at their published prices, consumer health and safety and promoting sound consumption practices. The provisions of this law apply to all goods and services in the UAE – including free zones – as well as related operations carried out by suppliers, advertisers or trade agents; including through e-commerce if the supplier is registered in the UAE, and without prejudice to international conventions and treaties to which the UAE is a signatory. The law identifies consumer rights, the mandates of the Higher Committee for Consumer Protection, obligations of suppliers, advertisers and trade agents, price of goods and services and emergency situations. This is in addition to the role of the Ministry of Economy in protecting consumer rights and other provisions.
Cabinet Decision No. 120/2022 On the Rules and Controls for Pricing Consumer Goods in the State
قرا ر وزاري رقم (90) لسنة 2024 بشأن تنظيم قيد وكيل تسجيل العلامات التجارية
Federal Decree-Law no. (38) of 2021 ON COPYRIGHTS AND NEIGBOURING RIGHTS
This Law aims to provide protection for authors and creators of original intellectual and creative works in various sectors. It directly contributes to supporting the digital economy and harmonizing the new Law with local and global developments in the digital environment. The provisions of the new Law serve as a stimulating environment for creators, innovators and authors of intellectual works in the traditional and new creative fields in a way that enhances the position of the UAE as a global destination for creativity, innovation and talent. The most prominent amendments to this Law include exceptions to the copyright rules to allow for copying and distribution of published works in accessible manner for people of determination with visual disabilities in accordance with the UAE’s accession to the Marrakesh Treaty, and the addition of an article providing for compensating the author or the right holder in case of infringement of his/her moral and financial rights in accordance with the general rules for the moral/financial damage to the right holder; as the previous law provided for fines and penalties to be imposed on infringers without referring to civil compensations for the author. This Law provides for the formation of a committee to consider the disputes and grievances related to the author's copyrights in order to protect the author from any infringement of his/her rights before resorting to the court, for the purpose of facilitating the procedures and expediting the settlement of disputes. Such committee shall consist of experts, and its decisions can be appealed in international courts. The new Law also raises the imposed penalties, which contributes to preventing violators from infringing on authors' rights.
Cabinet Decision No. 47/2022 On the Implementing Regulation of Federal Decree-Law No. 38/2021 on Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights
Federal Law No (11) of 2021 on the Regulation and Protection Of Industrial Property Rights
The Law aims to protect industrial property, regulate the procedures for its registration, use, exploitation and assignment in a way that ensures supporting knowledge and innovation in the country, and enhances the country’s competitiveness in the area of industrial property rights in accordance with international best practices. This Law also applies to patents, industrial designs, integrated circuits, undisclosed information, and utility models registered in the country, including the free zones. The provisions of this Law do not prejudice the stipulations of international agreements and conventions, to which the country is a party to, and in which foreigners enjoy the rights of citizens that are conferred by this Law, if such foreigners hold the nationality of a state that treats the country reciprocally.
Cabinet Decision No. 6/2022 On the Implementing Regulation of Federal Law No. 11/2021 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Rights
Federal Decree-Law no. (36) of 2021 ON TRADEMARKS
The Law aims to provide an integrated protection for trademarks and new mechanisms that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of government operations , which accelerate the pace of adoption of emerging concepts and innovative methods, leading to a more competitive trademark and intellectual property system. The Law contributes to combating fraud and counterfeiting, preserving the rights of institutions, companies, and individuals, encouraging the entrepreneurs to transform creative ideas into successful projects in a way that contributes to the economic growth and upgrading the UAE’s competitiveness. This Law serves a wide range of segments of society and the business environment, including entrepreneurs, commercial projects and company owners within the country, foreign companies’ investors, investors in entertainment and cultural areas, registered agents, attorneys and legal service providers, and whoever concerned with the protection and registration of trademarks and prevention of trademark infringement. The most prominent provisions and amendments to this Law include the acceleration of the issuance of licenses and completion of government approvals and procedures, which enhances integration in the work of service providers and increases their contribution to SMEs, and determining the procedures for registering a trademark locally and internationally, providing it with protection and preventing and addressing infringement with deterrent penalties. It introduces an option to renew the trademark within 6 months after the expiry of the 10-year period and gives extension of another three months, if the provided justifications are acceptable to the Ministry of Economy.
Cabinet Decision No. 57/2022 On Executive Regulations of the Federal Decree- Law No. 36/2021 on Trademarks (beta)
القرار الوزاري رقم (139) لسنة 2024 بشأن تشكيل لجنة الامتثال المهني لمهنة المحاسبة والتدقيق
Federal Decree Law No. (41) of 2023 Concerning the Regulation of the Accounting and Auditing Profession
Cabinet Decision No. 48/2022 On the Implementing Regulation of Federal Law No. 12/2014 on the Regulation of the Auditing Profession
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 114 ) لسنة 2022 بشأن تعديل بعض أحكام قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 20 ) لسنة 2020 في شأن رسوم الخدمات التي تقدمها وزارة الاقتصاد
Ministerial Resolution No. (111) of 2022 on Conditions of Insurance Against Professional Error
Ministerial Resolution No. (111-2) of 2022 on Approval of Application of Fellowship Certificate and Continuing Professional Education Program for Auditors Registered With the Ministry of Economy
Ministerial Decision No. 633/2016 On the Standards and Procedures of Conciliation in Offences Committed by Auditors
Ministerial Decision No. 403/2015 On the International Standards for the Auditing Profession
Federal Decree Law No. 37 of 2022 Concerning Family Companies (Businesses)
Federal Decree-Law no. (32) of 2021 ON COMMERCIAL COMPANIES
The law aims to enhance the openness of the UAE’s business climate in a way that supports the competitiveness of the national economy and the dynamism of the business environment. It is also aimed at providing a dynamic and advanced investment environment that enables investors to implement vital economic projects, increase the attraction of foreign companies and attract FDI to the country’s vital economic sectors. This Law's amendments include the development of financing solutions for companies and restructuring operations and finding solutions to the challenges faced by business activities operating in the UAE . The most prominent provisions and amendments to this Law include elimination of the maximum and minimum percentage of the founders’ contribution to the company’s capital at the time of the public offering, cancellation of the legal limitation of the subscription period, leaving the two matters to the specification drafted in the prospectus, elimination of the requirement for the nationality of the members of the board of directors, upholding the organization shareholders’ decisions in the election of board members, in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the competent authority, allowing branches of foreign companies licensed in the country to transform into a commercial company with UAE citizenship.
Federal Decree-Law No. (37) of 2021 ON THE COMMERCIAL REGISTER
Federal Decree-Law No. 37 of 2021 on Commercial Registry aims to make the Economic Register a comprehensive reference for economic activities in the UAE to help investors and companies develop their businesses based on documented, integrated and accurate information. The registry will serve as a significant resource that accelerates the growth of economic sectors and enhances the UAE’s position as a destination for future investments and innovative ideas in new economic sectors. The Law serves all members of the society and the concerned authorities in the government and the private sector both inside and outside the country. It specifically targets those who conduct economic activities in the UAE, including companies to which the provisions of the Commercial Companies Law apply, civil corporations that take a form of commercial corporations. As well as, companies established or contributed by the federal government or local governments, that are carrying out commercial activity in the country, companies and institutions that carry out a professional activity, companies established by law or pursuant to a law or decree to carry on a commercial activity, branches, offices and agencies of foreign companies, companies and establishments that carry out their activities in the UAE’s free zones, and sole proprietorship enterprises. The most prominent provisions and amendments to this Law include the establishment of the economic register as the official reference for data and information for establishments with economic activity in the UAE and enabling use of the unified economic register number as a digital identity for establishments.
Cabinet Decision No. 107/2022 On the Issuance of the Implementing Regulation of Federal Decree-Law No. 37/2021 on the Commercial Register
Federal Law No (6) of 2018 on Arbitration
The provisions of this law apply to any arbitration conducted in the UAE, unless the parties thereto agree that another law should govern the arbitration – provided that it does not conflict with public order and morality in the UAE – as well as to any international arbitration conducted overseas and the parties thereto agree that it should be governed by this law. It also applies to any arbitration arising from a dispute concerning a legal relationship – contractual or otherwise – governed by the laws of the UAE. The law introduces the international character of arbitration, the arbitration agreement, the arbitration tribunal and selection thereof. It further details the prerequisites that must be met by the arbitrator, the arbitration procedures – insofar as the joining or intervention of new parties – equality of the parties, place and language of arbitration, statement of claim and defence; in addition to default of the parties and other relevant matters and affairs.
مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (15) لسنة 2023 بشأن تعديل بعض أحكام القانون الاتحادي رقم (6) لسنة 2018 بشأن التحكيم في قسم الشركات
Federal Decree-Law No. (51) of 2023 Promulgating the Financial and Bankruptcy Law
Federal Law No (17) of 2004 regarding Anti-Fronting in Commercial Transactions
Pursuant to the provisions of this federal law, the fronting of any foreigner is prohibited – whether he be a natural or legal person – by using the name, license or commercial register of the front or by using any other method in light of the definition of fronting stated in Article (1) of the law. The law also details the penalisation of the front, which is set at a penalty not exceeding AED 100,000 and varies according to the fronted activities. In the event of re-offending, the front shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding two years and shall pay a penalty of AED 100,000. The same punishment shall apply to the fronted party, along with deportation from the country after the punishment has been served and after having met all the obligations required. The name of the front shall be deleted from the commercial register with respect to the activity subject to fronting, his license shall be revoked, he shall be prohibited from engaging in that activity for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years from the date of the judgement.
Cabinet Decree No. (132) of 2023 Concerning the Administrative Penalties for Violations of the Provisions of Cabinet Decree No. (109) of 2023 on the Regulation of the Procedures of the Beneficial Owner
Cabinet Decision No. 109/2023 On the Regulation of the Real Beneficiary Procedures
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 65 ) لسنة 2023 بشأن لجان الرقابة الشرعية الداخلية والمر اقب الشرعي.
Cabinet Decision No. 102/2022 On the Issuance of the Regulation on the Administrative Penalties for Acts Committed in Violation of the Provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. 32 /2021 on the Commercial Companies
Cabinet Decision No. 79/2022 Concerning the Controls of Motivating Commercial Companies to Exercise Their Social Responsibility
Cabinet Decision No. 77/2022 Concerning Limited Liability Companies
Cabinet Resolution No (55) Of 2021 regarding Determining the List of Activities with Strategic Impact
Article (2) of this resolution identifies a list of strategic impact activities and the guidelines for licensing companies engaged in such activities, which include: security and defence activities, activities of military nature, banks, exchange houses, financing and insurance companies, money printing, telecommunications, Hajj and Umrah services, Holy Quran memorisation centres and services pertaining to fisheries in which UAE nationals maintain a 100% ownership. Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article (2), a foreign investor wishing to engage in a strategic impact activity must submit a licensing request to the competent authority, as per the guidelines and conditions set out in federal and local legislations that are relevant to that activity.
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 20) لسنة 2020 في شأن رسوم الخدمات التي تقدمها وزارة الإقتصاد
القرار الوزاري رقم (138) لسنة 2024 بشأن ضوابط وإجراءات قيد فروع ومكاتب تمثيل الشركات الأجنبية
القرار الوزاري رقم (137) لسنة 2024 بشأن تنظيم أعمال المسجل وضوابط الشركات المساهمة الخاصة وقواعد الحوكمة
القرار الوزاري رقم (24) لسنة 2024 بشأن تشكيل اللجنة المشتركة للنظر في طلبات تحول الشركات المساهمة العامة إلى شركات مساهمة خاصة
القرار الوزاري رقم (23) لسنة 2024 بشأن ضوابط وشروط عقد الجمعية العمومية للشركات ذات المسؤولية المحدودة من خلال وسائل التقنية الحديثة
قرار وزاري رقم (108) لسنة 2023 بشأن الشروط والأحكام المتعلقة بالفئات المتعددة لحصص الشركات العائلية
قرار وزاري رقم (107) لسنة 2023 بشأن شراء الشركة العائلية لحصصها
قرار وزاري رقم (106) لسنة 2023 بشأن إيداع ميثاق العائلة في السجل
قرار وزاري رقم (36) لسنة 2023 بشأن شركة الشخص الواحد
Family Business Code of Conduct
Family Business Charter
(Memorandum of Association of (Family Business Name]
Federal Law No (1) of 2017 on Anti-Dumping, Countervailing and Safeguarding Measures
The provisions of this law apply to injurious practices of global trade incoming from outside the GCC; whereby a domestic industry – or representative thereof – is able to file a complaint against injurious practices of global trade, either directly to the concerned department or through the competent government entity in each emirate, which refers it to the department. The law addresses the details pertaining to verification, and identifies cases warranting the imposition of measures, the types of measures, the entities mandated with enforcing the law, notices and notification. The law also incorporates provisions on the confidentiality of information; whereby its executive regulations specify the treatment and disclosure of such information; as well as customs clearance, the collection of data and statistics, the imposition and collection of fees, registration and surveillance, Gulf industries, penalties, courts and judicial enforcement.
Cabinet Resolution No (8) of 2017 concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (1) of 2017 on Anti-Dumping, Countervailing and Safeguard Measures
This resolution addresses international trade practices that are injurious to national industries; insofar as the filing of complaints, investigation procedures, details pertaining to dumping and anti-dumping measures and identifying material damages incurred by national industries. This is through the substantive consideration of all evidence. The resolution also clarifies pledges and retroactivity, specifies the instances warranting the provisioning of support and compensation measures and addresses the preventive measures against increase in imports and the duration of final preventive measures. The resolution further addresses international trade practices that are injurious to gulf industries, the gulf entities concerned with investigating the same and the provisions pertaining to filing grievances and appeals against final decisions on international trade practices that are injurious to gulf industries.
قانون اتحادي رقم (11) لسنة 2019 بشأن قواعد وشهادات المنشأ
قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (43) لسنة 2022 بشأن اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون الاتحادي رقم (11) لسنة 2019 بشأن قواعد وشهادات المنشأ.
Cabinet Decision No. 118/2023 On the Controls of the Policy of Valorization of Industrial-Use Wastes
Cabinet Decree No. (119) of 2023 Concerning the Violations and Administrative Penalties levied on Violators of Cabinet Decree No (118) of 2023 on Controls of Industrial Waste Management Policy
Cabinet Decree No. (131) of 2023 Concerning Export Fees for Industrial Waste
Temporary Suspension of Export and Re-Export of Wheat and Wheat Flour
القرار الوزاري رقم 144 لسنة 2022 بشأن تعديل القرار الوزاري رقم (72) لسنة 2022 في شأن وقف تصدير وإعادة تصدير القمح )الحنطة( ودقيق القمح بشكل مؤقت الى خارج الدولة.
القرار الوزاري رقم ( 120) لسنة 2023 في شأن وقف تصدير وإعادة تصدير الأرز بشكل مؤقت الى خارج الدولة
Directive No. ( 2 ) Of 2024 Regarding The Imposition of Definitive Anti-Dumping Duties Against GCC Imports of Electrical Connectors, Switches, Sockets and Plugs for a Voltage not exceeding 1000 Volts (Originating in or exported from People’s Republic of China)
Companies list
تعميم رقم ( 1) لسنة 2020 في شأن فرض رسم نهائي لمكافحة الإغراق على واردات دول المجلس من منتج بلاط وترابيع من خزف للتبليط أو التغطية للجدران أو المواقد، وإن كانت على حامل، خزف للتشطيب ( بلاط السيراميك والبورسلان) ذات المنشأ او المصدرة من جمهورية الهند وجمهورية الصين الشعبية.
List of manufacturer companies producing/exporting from Republic of India
List of manufacturer companies producing/exporting from People's Republic of China
تعميم رقم (2) لسنة 2022 في شأن استمرار فرض الرسوم النهائية لمكافحة الإغراق على واردات دول المجلس من منتج مدخرات )جماعات( كهربائية ذات سعة من 35 حتى 115 أمبير إن كانت مستطيلة أو مربعة بالرصاص والحامض من الأنواع المستعملة لإطلاق الحركة للمحركات ذات المكابس (بطاريات السيارات) ذات منشأ أو المصدرة من جمهورية كوريا
تعميم رقم (2) لسنة 2022 في شأن فرض رسوم نهائية لمكافحة الإغراق على واردات دول المجلس من منتج بطاريات المحركات ذات المكابس سعة 32 حتى 225 أمبير ذات منشأ أو المصدرة من جمهورية تركيا، وجمهورية الهند
تعميم رقم (4) لسنة 2021 في شأن فرض رسوم نهائية لمكافحة الإغراق على واردات دول المجلس من منتج صفائح وألواح وأشرطة من خلائط الألمنيوم، ذات منشأ أو المصدرة من جمهورية الصين الشعبية

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