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Valuable Data

UAE Foreign Direct Investments Dashboard

The Foreign Direct Investment Dashboard enables users to access comprehensive information about the UAE’s foreign direct investment, including fact sheets, FDI stocks, UAE investments abroad, and investment opportunities. The dashboard includes different parameters in order to filter your search with ease and find the information you require.

  • Click on Country Facts Sheet.
  • Click on ‘Country’ to filter your search.
  • Click on the particular country you want to view or you can also type it inside the box.
  • Click ‘Apply’.
  • You can click or type more than one country based on your desired information.
  • Depending on the data you want to be displayed on the dashboard, you can filter your search according to Continent, Geographic Region or Country Groups.
  • Under the map, click on the specific year or period, as required.
  • The dashboard will display the macroeconomic indicators and their values, such as the surface area, population growth, GDP, GDP growth, Industry, services, imports and exports of goods and services, and inflation.
  • Click on ‘International Reports’ to access various reports about the specific country.
  • Click on the PDF or Excel icon to export the PDF or Excel report.
  • Click on FDI Stock in UAE.
  • Filter your search based on different categories – County, Continent, Economic Activity, Geographic Region, Country Groups, Currency, and Year.
  • The dashboard will display the Inward FDI Map, top economic activities in value, top economic activities by growth rate, top countries by value, top countries by growth rate, inward FDI value, and inward FDI growth rate.
  • Click on the PDF or Excel icon to export the PDF or Excel report.
  • Click on UAE Investment Abroad.
  • Filter by Country and Currency.
  • The dashboard will display the latest Outward FDI Stock, including the main companies and sectors.
  • Click on the PDF or Excel icon to export the PDF or Excel report
  • Click on ‘UAE Investment Opportunities’ at the top of the dashboard.
  • The dashboard will show the investment authority of every emirate in the UAE as well as the links to their websites.


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