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null Healthcare

Local Addressable Market

  • From 2018 to 2022, the private sector healthcare spend in the UAE is set to grow at a CAGR of 9.5%
  • Sales in the UAE pharmaceutical market are estimated to have been valued at around USD $3.1 billion by 2018

Recent Trends

  • COVID-19 demonstrated the need to ensure sufficient supply of healthcare goods and services needed to fighting the pandemic
  • Consumers have been exposed to telemedicine and e-health as a result of the pandemic
  • Rising demand for generic medicines, per capita spend one of the highest in the Middle East

Growth Opportunities

  • Diagnostics through multiple technological solutions
  • Wearables to improve patient experience with biosensors
  • Exponential growth in the application of technologies such as AI, Big Data, blockchain and IoMT will be seen over the next decade
  • Strong local growth opportunities exist in ePharma given the large capita spend on medicine and ecommerce growth

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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