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MoE’s Laws and Regulations

Federal Law No (15) of 2020 on Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection Legislations
Federal Law No (15) of 2020 on Consumer Protection

This law aims to protect all consumer rights, especially those pertaining to the quality of goods and services, acquiring them at their published prices, consumer health and safety and promoting sound consumption practices. The provisions of this law apply to all goods and services in the UAE – including free zones – as well as related operations carried out by suppliers, advertisers or trade agents; including through e-commerce if the supplier is registered in the UAE, and without prejudice to international conventions and treaties to which the UAE is a signatory. The law identifies consumer rights, the mandates of the Higher Committee for Consumer Protection, obligations of suppliers, advertisers and trade agents, price of goods and services and emergency situations. This is in addition to the role of the Ministry of Economy in protecting consumer rights and other provisions.

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