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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Issue a Certificate Of Origin
Amend Certificate Of Origin
Register Branch of Foreign Establishment
Foreign Company Branch Initial Approval
 Foreign Company Initial Approval Modification
Amend Registration of Foreign Establishment Branch 
Renew Registration of Foreign Establishment Branch
Freeze Foreign Company Registration
 Foreign Company Cancellation
Re-Register Cancelled Foreign Company
Licence Sale and Merger of Companies 
Enquire About Commercial Companies  Licence
Initial approval for foreign Entity branch
Request to amend (or extend) the initial approval of the foreign Entity branch
Foreign Entity Branch Registration
Foreign Entity branch amendment
Foreign Entity Branch Renewal
Foreign Entity Branch Registration Freeze
Foreign Entity branch cancellation
Re-register Entity Foreign Branch
Merge (or acquisition) foreign Entity
To Whom it May Concern Certificate for Foreign Entity Branch (Not Registered)
Foreign Entity Branch Inquiry
Request for Registering a Patent
Request for Registering a Utility Model
Request for Registering an Industrial Design
Request for Registering an IP Agent
Registered Industrial Property Agents List
Request for Paying Annuity Fee
Request for Designating an IP Agent
Apply for Linking Industrial Property User to a Patent Application
Request for Registering a License
Request for Terminating a License of registered Industrial Property
Request for Registering a Pledge of Industrial Property
Request for Terminating a Pledge of Industrial property
Request for Submitting a Third-Party Observation
Request for Registering an Integrated Circuit Layout
Request for Post-Grant Re-Examination in Full
Request for Post-Grant Re-Examination in Part
Industrial Property Digital Library
Request for extract of registered Industrial Property
Apply for Utility Certificate
Apply for Industrial Design
Apply for Preliminary Amendment
Apply for Data Correction and Modification
Request Change of Owners
Modify/Terminate License
Cancel or Withdraw Application
Document Service (extract, re-issue certificate, etc.)
Modify Agent Information
Renew Registration of Industrial Property Agent
Apply for Agent Registration
Industrial Property Digital Library
e-Service Conversion Request
Apply for Express Examination
Apply for Price Increase Requests
Resolve Consumers Complaints
Resolve Consumers Complaints
Apply for Price Increase Requests
Declare Cooperative Society
Auditor Register – Individuals
Auditor Register - National auditing companies
Add branches to auditors register - National auditing companies
Auditor Register - Branch of Foreign Companies
Move Auditor Register Natural Person Non-Practitioners Register
Move Auditor Register natural persons to Practitioner Register from Non-Practitioner
Add branches to auditors register - Foreign Companies
Amend Auditor Register - Individuals
Amend Auditor Register - National auditing companies
Amend Auditor Register - Branch of foreign companies
Renew Auditor Register - Individuals (Practitioners)
Renew Auditor Register - Individuals (Non Practitioners)
Renew Auditor Register - National Auditing Companies
Renew Auditor Register - Branch of Foreign Companies
Cancel Auditor Register - Individuals
Cancel Auditor Register - National auditing companies
Cancel Auditor Register - Branch of foreign companies
Request to issue a certificate to whom it may concern
Request to attest contract of services provided by the auditors'
Request to complaint against an auditor's
Auditor Register
Move Auditor Register - Natural Person
Add branches to auditors register
Amend Auditor Register
Renew Auditor Register
Cancel Auditor Register
A certificate to whom it may concern to registered auditors
Attest auditors' signature on audit reports
Submit a complaint against an auditor's
Registration of Private Joint Stock Company
General Assembly of Private Joint Stock Company
Amend Registration of Private Joint Stock Companies
Renewal of Private Joint Stock Company Registration
Cancellation of Private Joint Stock Company
True Copy of Private Joint Stock Company Documents
Data Entry of Registered Private Joint Stock Company
To Whom It May Concern Certificate of Private Joint Stock Company
Inquiry of Registered Private Joint Stock Company
Register Private Joint Stock Companies
Amend Registration of Private Joint Stock Companies
Renew Registration of Private Joint Stock Companies
Deregister Private Joint Stock Companies
 Filling Information of Old Registered Private Joint Stock Company
Intellectual Works Rights Registration Service
Amendment of Certificate of Intellectual Works Rights Registration Service
Registration Service for Importers and Distributors of Intellectual Works
Company Registration for Importers and Distributors of Intellectual Works Service
Compulsory Licensing Service
Complaints of Copyright Infringement
Register Commercial Agency
Amend Registration of Commercial Agency
Renew Registration of Commercial Agency
Deregister Commercial Agency
Request for the Inspection of Transgress on Commercial Agency
To whom it may concern certificate
Enquire About Commercial Agency
Register Commercial Agency 
Renew Registration of Commercial Agency
Amend Registration of Commercial Agency 
Deregister Commercial Agency
Enquire About Commercial Agency  
Request Attachments From Commercial Agency Register
Request Official Letter on Status of Agencies for Governmental and Non-Governmental Entities 
Request for the Inspection of Transgress on Commercial Agency
Export Permission of Wheat and Wheat Flour
Export Permission Of Rice
Fees payment of exporting industrial waste
International trademark registration (Madrid Protocol)
Trademark Product Modification
Trademark Logo Modification
Amend Trademark Owner Information
Renew Registration of Trademark
Trademark Inquiry for Government
Enquire About Registration of Trademarks
Request to Pledge Trademark
Unregistered Trademarks Cancellation
Trademark Cancellation Pursuant to Article (24) bis
Trademark Mortgage Cancellation
 Submit a Power of Attorney
Submit a Priority Document
Licence use of Trademark
License Usage of Internal Trademark
Trademark License Cancellation
Pay Publishing Fees For Trademark Registration
Pay Registration Fees For Trademark
Trademark Agent Registration
Trademark Agent Registration Renewal
Trademark Agent Registration Modification
Trademark Agent Registration Cancellation
Filling-in Old Trademark Agent Registration Information
Grievance Request Against the Department's Decision Regarding a Trademark
Objection to the Acceptance of a Trademark Registration
Request a Hearing Regarding a Trademark - Objector
Request a Hearing Regarding a Trademark - Objectee
Complaints against Trademark Infringement
Trademark Information Certificate
To Whom It May Concern Certificate - Unregistered Trademark
To Whom It May Concern Certificate - Registered Trademark
Copy of Trademark Registration Certificate
Copy of Trademark Renewal Certificate
Responding to an Objection against the Acceptance of Trademark Registration

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