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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


The advantages of licensing in departments of economic development and in free zones

The UAE provides an ideal business environment for investors and entrepreneurs, as it allows great flexibility, whether to establish a business anywhere in the country or to establish business in free zones, supported by excellent infrastructure facilities, professional expertise and personal services, and each has advantages that are compatible with the orientations and desires of the investor according to the nature of businesses to be practiced


Within the UAE (Department of Economic Development)

Free Zones


  • The capital requirements vary according to the legal form of the company as follows:
  • A public shareholding company: the capital must not be less than (30 million dirhams).
  • A private joint stock company: with a capital of not less than (5 million dirhams).
  • Other types of companies, the companies' law did not specify a minimum capital.
  • The determination of capital depends on the type of business.
  • Some free zones do not require a minimum share capital.
  • Other zones require a minimum share capital.

Legal Forms

Simple Commandite Company

Joint Liability Company

Public Joint Stock Company

Limited Liability Company

Foreign Branch

Private Joint Stock Company

Free Zone Limited Liability Company

Free Zone Company (FZC)

Free Zone Establishment (FZE)

Foundation steps

  • Determine the nature of the activity.
  • Determine the legal form.
  • Trade name reservation and registration.
  • Request for initial approval.
  • Signing the memorandum of association.
  • Choose a location or business address.
  • Obtaining additional government approvals.
  • Pay the fees and receive the license.
  • Registration in the Chamber of Commerce.
  • Determine the nature of the activity.
  • Determine the legal form.
  • Trade name reservation and registration.
  • Selection of offices and work facilities.
  • Obtaining the "initial approval" to issue the license in the free zone.
  • Register the establishment, pay the fees and receive the license.


  • Flexibility to do business anywhere in the country.
  • There is no limit to the number of visas.
  • There is no personal income tax.
  • There is no corporate tax (except for oil companies and foreign banks).
  • Not requiring a citizen partner in all economic activities, 100% ownership, with the exception of activities with a strategic impact.
  • Not requiring a citizen services agent to establish branches of foreign companies.
  • Establishing a business requires a series of procedures and approvals required by the Department of Economic Development and other concerned parties to officially register the establishment.
  • With modern infrastructure and flexible government policies.
  • Multiple and specialized options for free zones.
  • 100% ownership of the project.
  • 100% import and export tax exemptions.
  • Subject to the laws and regulations that govern each specific free zone authority.
  • 100% repatriation of capital and profits.
  • No corporate tax.
  • There is no personal income tax.
  • Easy start-up and licensing procedures.
  • Office space is mandatory and residency visas can be issued depending on the size of the office / workplace.
  • Often located in strategically located areas to gain advantages for trade, around the sea / airport.
  • No need for a service agent.
  • The exercise of activities within the region and at the international level as well.
  • With modern infrastructure and flexible government policies.
  • Facilities of the highest level of sophistication and quality.

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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