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The UAE Joined the World Trade Organization Since 1996

The World Trade Organization is located in Geneva, Switzerland and has more than 164 member countries (as of 2016). Founded in January 1995 and considered one of the newest international organisations, its main task is to ensure smooth, easy and free flow of trade among countries.

The UAE joined the WTO in 1996. The accession to the organisation offers several advantages to the country such as low tariffs on UAE exports and protection of local markets from product dumping. Commitments from the UAE include the need to update local legislation and laws in many fields such as intellectual property rights, trade and services, as well as conformation to highest international product standards with an aim to alleviate challenges to the development and diversification of national exports, thereby facilitating national companies to take a major role in international trade.

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Principles of World Trade Organization (WTO)

Principles of World Trade Organization (WTO)

Ensuring that developing countries have a share in international trade and enhancing market access under the WTO

Member countries should not discriminate between its trading partners, and between local and foreign products or services, in accordance with the most favoured nation (MFN) principle

Remove customs barriers; and trade barriers should be foreseeable, justified, non-arbitrary, and adhere to established rules

Global trade liberalisation through negotiation to remove barriers and restrictions

Increasing competitiveness by discouraging unfair practices, including export subsidies and dumping

Offering more advantages, flexibility and time to developing and least developed countries, with special privileges for implementation

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Objectives of World Trade Organization

Asset Publisher

null Publications on Trade Facilitation Agreements

Free Trade Agreements Booklet
A Business Guide for Developing Countries to TF Agreement
Shedding Light on the Trade Facilitation Agreement under the WTO Framework Booklet

UAE Representative Office

UAE Representative Office

To World Trade Organization

The UAE Representative Office to the WTO in Geneva is at the heart of the world’s strongest network of international, political, industrial, trade, research and media organisations. It focusses on economic diplomacy of the state, in liaison with European institutions and governments, strengthening ties with EU institutions, International Telecommunication Union, and member countries of the World Trade Organization. The office also monitors the implementation of the commitments of the UAE as well as other countries, especially those of interest to the state's trade.

The UAE office at the World Trade Organization also collects useful trade-related data and information, facilitating bilateral communication and meetings, making suggestions, and actively participating in the negotiation processes of the WTO. It also provides analysis of information, identifies contacts, assists UAE companies, organisations and government agencies, and contributes to awareness programmes about the importance of the World Trade Organization. It supports customs processes in the UAE, and works towards promoting the economy, defending the interests of the national business communities.

The office works in cooperation with other organisations based in Geneva, such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Trade Centre (ITC).

Contact Details

Rue de Moillebeau 50
1209 Geneva, Switzerland

Director of UAE Representative Office at the World Trade Organization

Abd Alsalam Al Ali




Know About

World Trade Organization Agreements Binding on All Members

Publications on Trade Facilitation Agreements

Publications on Trade Facilitation Agreements

Free Trade Agreements Booklet
A Business Guide for Developing Countries to TF Agreement
Shedding Light on the Trade Facilitation Agreement under the WTO Framework Booklet

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