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A Global Investment Hub

GCC Free Trade Agreements Support the UAE's Top Global Rankings

The UAE has signed GCC Free Trade Agreements with several countries and trade groups across the world to enhance its position as a global trade hub and major destination for investments. It also seeks to increase Emirati exports, improve competitiveness in foreign markets, regulate competition, reduce trade barriers facing national products, boost its investments abroad, and protect intellectual property rights. This also covers tariff barriers, trade services, investments, intellectual property rights, dispute settlement, investment in manufacturing sectors, and protection of property rights to prevent trafficking of counterfeit products. The UAE, within the GCC framework, has signed GCC Free Trade Agreements with many countries including New Zealand, Singapore, and EFTA countries. Negotiations are currently underway with several countries and trade groups, including the European Union, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, Pakistan, India, Turkey, and the Mercosur member countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).

Benefits of GCC Free Trade Agreements

Benefits of Free Trade Agreements

Reduce customs duties, allowing an increase in the trade exchange volume

Increase the volume of investments to ensure greater business opportunities

Improve market access for local and service products

Greater guarantee of the rights of investors and service providers, and ensure transparency in transactions

Protect property rights, patents and trademarks

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GCC Free Trade Agreements

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