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Know About

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements

In pursuit of the UAE’s economic objectives, we are strengthening international ties with countries around the world to build on our position as a global trade and logistics hub. Signing Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements (CEPAs) is key to this goal. The UAE signed its first bilateral trade agreement with India on 18 February 2022 and aims to deepen ties with strategic partners around the world. This is in pursuit of the UAE’s Projects of the 50, a series of bold initiatives driving the nation’s next phase of sustainable development.

Benefits of CEPAs

Enhanced market access

Lower or eliminated tariffs

Simpler customs procedures

Clear and transparent rules

Rules-based competition

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements timeline

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UAE-Indonesia CEPA

UAE-Türkiye CEPA

UAE-Cambodia CEPA

UAE-Georgia CEPA

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Find out more

Please contact the Ministry of the Economy and our designated representatives to learn more about how your company can benefit from CEPA at

Communication Channels

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