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null Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

The Ministry of Economy follows up on GCC work and activities on multiple levels and through several committees, including the GCC Summit, the GCC Trade Cooperation Committee, as well as ministerial and technical committees.

The GCC Summit

The Ministry of Economy tracks and develops procedures and decisions required to implement the GCC Summit resolutions, and follows up on all decisions and directives that affect the nature and competence of the Ministry’s work.

GCC Trade Cooperation Committee

The Ministry implements the decisions related to the commercial aspect of the Unified Economic Agreement of the GCC countries through the following:

  • Studying the committee's agendas, preparing follow-up reports on its workflow and following up on the implementation of its decisions.
  • Coordinating the workflow and directives related to the committee’s activities and work.
  • Following up on the work and reports of the technical committees working under the GCC Trade Cooperation Committee or technical committees working within the framework of the GCC, and preparing reports in this regard.
  • Submitting reports to the UAE Cabinet regarding the output of the committee's work.
  • Removing obstacles and addressing commercial problems facing trade exchange among the GCC countries or the authorities and ministries concerned, and following up on their action.

Other ministerial and technical committees

The Ministry of Economy follows up on topics related to the workflow of the GCC Trade Cooperation Committee, by addressing them within the framework of the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee and the Ministerial Committee (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) as well as the Customs Union.

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