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- Cabinet Resolution on MoE Service Fees
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- تشريعات تنظيم المنافسة
The Role of the Ministry of Economy in Consumer Protection
The Ministry of Economy seeks to achieve the strategic goals identified in the Ministry’s 2021-2022 Operational Plan with the aim of launching projects, plans and initiatives designed to improve the competition regulation, consumer protection, and government performance and services, ensuring that they are implemented efficiently and effectively according to the highest standards. The Competition and Consumer Protection Department consists of two technical committees; the Higher Committee for Consumer Protection and the Competition Regulatory Committee. The Ministry of Economy performs the following functions:
Development of plans, programs and initiatives to raise awareness and achieve the objectives of consumer protection rights through all channels.
Coordination with the sector’s stakeholders to address and act on business practices that are harmful to the consumer.
Dissemination of decisions and recommendations that contribute to raising consumer awareness, coordination and cooperation with stakeholders in spreading consumer awareness on goods and services in the country.
Supervising the implementation of policies, laws, decisions, and recommendations of the Supreme Committee for Consumer Protection.
Receive and study consumer complaints, follow up on verification procedures and submit legal opinions thereon, follow up on the implementation of legal and judicial decisions made with regard to them, and ensure efficient coordination with various local authorities and parties involved in consumer complaints through supervision and following up on complaints submitted to the relevant authorities.
Providing, continuous updating and disseminating databases and lists on commodity prices and coordinate with the Control and Compliance Section to monitor price hikes, efficiency and compliance with approved instructions and price bulletins. Follow-up on commodity price changes by measuring price change averages for a fixed set of commodities over a period of time.
Supervise the preparation of consumer studies and research and follow up on surveys and statistical studies to raise consumer satisfaction and happiness levels in the country and take advantage of relevant domestic and international experiences and practices to achieve highest consumer happiness standards.
Develop and implement preventive plans to reduce and act on repeated complaints and ensure the delivery of the best services to consumers.
Any other functions within the Department's purview or assigned by the Director of Department or the Head of the Department
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14 Feb 2025 12:53:06 PM