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Effective and Efficient

Handling of All Consumer Complaints

The Ministry of Economy receives consumer complaints, examines the same and verifies the completeness of data submitted, so that complaints are handled and processed as effectively and efficiently as possible, in collaboration with the competent authorities in the UAE. Owing to its firm belief in the importance of the role played by a proactive consumer in strengthening the UAE’s consumer protection milieu, the Ministry maintains proper communication channels with customers, enabling them to submit their complaints and share their feedback and suggestions in a convenient manner. This aims to uphold consumer protection.

Consumer complaints in
2023 as per
classification of goods

Consumer Complaint Statistics

Total number of complaints submitted to the Ministry of Economy by consumers totalled 4718 in 2021; 3313 in 2022; and 2943 in 2023. 

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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