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null Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls

Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls
Goal 5
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls

Eradicating all forms of discrimination against women and girls does not only constitute a fundamental human right but is also a critical factor in accelerating sustainable development. In the UAE, the Gender Balance Council was established to enhance the leading role of Emirati women in the country’s development, and ensure that best practices are being implemented by federal institutions to meet their gender equality goals.  The country has also introduced laws and initiatives to protect the rights of women, provide equal job opportunities, ensure their decent living and foster their creativity in sustainable and developmental domains.

To achieve Goal 5, the Ministry of Economy has strengthened its collaboration with entities that support gender equality and empowerment to increase the economic participation of women, particularly in the entrepreneurship sector, and has launched various initiatives in order to significantly alleviate the gender gap and highlight the great contribution of women in economic growth.

The Role of the Ministry of Economy in Achieving Goal 5

  • 01

    Works, in cooperation with the Gender Balance Council, to enhance cooperation and coordination and establish task forces to increase women’s participation in all sectors, especially the economic sector, in support of gender balance and to achieve the vision of the wise leadership on enhancing the status and role of women, especially in the field of entrepreneurship.

  • 02

    Contributes to increasing women's participation in the economic sectors in line with the UAE’s directives aimed at fulfilling the sustainable development goals.

  • 03

    Launches training programmes and workshops and provides accessibility to knowledge for both genders equally.

  • 04

    Encourages Emirati youth, as well as UAE residents - male and female - to establish their projects and provides them with equal opportunities.

  • 05

    Complies with the best practices of human resource systems, in order to enhance and offer equal opportunities to both genders, while fostering a work environment that is founded on fairness and equality.

  • 06

    Economic laws and statutes that regulate business sectors have been developed and established with the intent of preserving the rights of consumers, investors and customers, regardless of gender.

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