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Asset Publisher



Resilient and sustainable global economy for leadership and prosperity


To develop a flexible economy of the future that ensures a prosperous business environment and encourages investment and talent attraction through the development of proactive policies, to raise the standard of living and prosperity of the society.


Continuous development and enhancement using modern technology, tools, and methods to add unique value to the Ministry’s work.
Foreseeing the needs of relevant entities and fulfilling them by meeting the current and future requirements.
Ability to adapt to variables and challenges and the optimization of opportunities at the right time.
Seeking to build long-term successful partnerships and participate in the effective development of the economy by all concerned entities.
Strive to achieve a distinguished ranking for our national economy, both locally and internationally.
Team Work
Collaboration and integration to achieve joint vision and goals by aligning the efforts of work teams, individuals, and partners.


Increase the contribution of small and
medium-sized enterprises to non-oil GDP

Increase foreign direct investment flow to the future economy sectors

Raise the growth rate of non-oil GDP

Improve per capita gross national income

Enhance the UAE’s position on the Global Entrepreneurship Index

Increase the UAE's ranking on the Global Innovation Index

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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