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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


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Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy

Within the framework of the Ministry of Economy's contribution to the optimal use and management of the resources of the Federal Government effectively and efficiently

The Ministry's policy focused on the following:

Free zone authorities also provide different support services and facilities to help investors and entrepreneurs establish their businesses. Some are:

  • Accurately recording all assets and documenting their data;
  • Carefully defining the possession, operation, and secure transfer of assets;
  • Providing preventive and curative maintenance of assets, improving return and reducing costs;
  • Carefully protecting assets and estimating depreciation percentages to maximize added value;
  • Satisfying stakeholders by maintaining assets according to the principles of agility, preemptivness and readiness;
  • Educating employees on the optimal use and preservation of assets;
  • Disseminating the policy to stakeholders and employees;
  • Aligning with national laws and regulations and stakeholder instructions and guidelines;
  • Implementing the requirements of the asset management system standard (ISO 5500);
  • Implementing the requirements of supporting standards for infrastructure protection and asset management, Such as Environmental Management System (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001);
  • Aligning with the Ministry's directions and policies and managing assets digitally effectively
  • Continuously improving the asset management system and periodically reviewing to ensure its sustainability.

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