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Learn About UAE Laws

A Legal System that Enhances Investment Environment

The UAE has advanced set of laws that align with the national investment directives including well-established legislative structures that aim to attract foreign investment. The Commercial Companies Law of 2020 is a qualitative leap in legal legislation encouraging investment and business establishment, granting foreign investors the ability to establish companies and have full ownership of their companies. Investment opportunities are offered in all economic sectors and activities, with the exception of activities with a strategic impact.

Attracting Foreign Investments

Commercial Companies Law Enhances Open Business Environment

Federal Law No. (26) of 2020 regulates company activities in the UAE and amends certain provisions of Federal Law No. (2) of 2015 on commercial companies. It is considered a significant step taken by the UAE towards developing its national economy and strengthening it to reach new levels of excellence and leadership, in addition to adopting new models of economic development that are aligned with its futuristic vision. The law seeks to enhance the open business environment, boost ability to attract foreign investments in new economic sectors, diversify the economic base, increase the contribution of non-oil sectors to GDP, create new employment opportunities, drive market growth, localise technologies, and develop human talent and resources.

Key Benefits Granted to Foreign Investors by Federal Law No (26) of 2020 Amending the Commercial Companies Law

Asset Publisher

null Pay any increase in paid capital of public shareholding companies within 3 years

The public shareholding company may pay any increase in the issued capital within 3 years from the date of the decision to increase, provided that the entire previous issued capital has been paid before the increase decision was issued.

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