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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Why the UAE is Considered

One of the World’s Most Attractive Investment Hubs

The investment attractiveness of the UAE witnessed a steady increase over the past years. With its ability to attract substantial investments, the country enhanced its cumulative FDI inflows and became one of the most preferred investment destinations across the world. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UAE was the world’s 16th biggest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2022. It was also ranked the most attractive country for investments in West Asia, Middle East and North Africa regions. Today, the UAE is looking to attract more investments, promote its investment environment, provide greater incentives to investors, and raise its ranking in international indices related to the attractiveness of the business and investment environment.

Asset Publisher

The UAE is a trustworthy investment hub

The UAE has also joined the top 20 countries considered trustworthy, ranking 14th in Kearney’s 2022 Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. The review of business environment laws such as the Commercial Companies Law has resulted in boosting investor appetite in the UAE and making it one of the destinations of choice for international investors.

Advanced Ratings by Global Agencies

In 2023, the UAE achieved a rating of “AA” from S&P, thanks to government support and a decrease in public debt. That same year the UAE was also able to achieve a rating of “Aa2” with a stable outlook for the national economy from Moody’s Investors Service. Reflecting its robust sectors and economic stability, this is considered the highest sovereign ranking in the region.

No Income Tax or Corporate Tax

More than 140 double tax agreements have been signed with countries spread over the five continents, including the UAE trading partners. This allows investors and workers to enjoy the absence of personal income tax and corporate taxes. The UAE is actively signing new agreements with countries of the world.

Protection and Promotion of Investments

To improve its development goals, the UAE signed 112 agreements to protect and encourage investments. With a network of the UAE’s key trade partners, these agreements aim to protect investments from all non-commercial risks like nationalization, expropriation, sequestration and freezing. They also aim to allow the establishment of investments and licensing such investments and confirm the free transfer of profits and other returns in a freely transferable currency, as well as granting national treatment in accordance with the laws enforced in the UAE, and other objectives that ensure the protection and encouragement of investments in the UAE.

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