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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Our Aim...

Enter Global Markets and Boost UAE Exports

The UAE Ministry of Economy develops and implements strategic plans to improve UAE exports and raise awareness on the UAE products in target industries of foreign markets. The ministry aims to promote and boost the national exports by participating in international exhibitions and conferences, exchanging official delegations and visits, launching virtual events, holding periodic meetings with exporters, publishing informative publications and studies, and developing special policies, including one that aims to enhance the UAE's position as a global hub for gold and jewellery markets.

We aim to raise national ​exports by 50%.

The UAE is among the ​world’s top 20 exporters.

Saudi Arabia is the UAE’s
​​​​​​​top export market.

UAE exports reach more
​​​​​​​than 180 countries.

Our Strategic Plans

National Agenda for Non-oil Export Development

The agenda aims to boost national exports and define the outlines of the UAE’s foreign trade and global markets’ development, linking them to the actual needs and capabilities of exporters in the UAE. This will allow the exporting companies to enter specialised markets and target new growing and promising markets that promote the UAE's high-quality and globally competitive products.

Among its objectives, the agenda aims to reinforce the UAE’s leading position as regional and international hub for re-exports, and raise the national companies’ contributions to the UAE exports. The agenda also seeks to raise the efficiency of national products and increase their competitiveness in global markets, coordinate the national efforts of federal and local entities and reinforce integration between them, and harness modern technologies in businesses that support the flow of goods.

The agenda supports 14 vital and priority sectors in the UAE and aims to boost the UAE's foreign trade and increase the percentage of national exports compared to re-exports by 50% of the total exports over the next few years. The agenda also builds on the national efforts to achieve the UAE's strategies in priority sectors including advanced industries and food security.

UAE’s Export Statistics

UAE’s Total Exports
(figures in million dirhams)
Non-Oil Export in 2019
(figures in million dirhams)

Key Export Industries in the UAE


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency

Gold and
Precious Metals

healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency

Pharmaceutical and
Health Industries

healthcare efficiency

Innovation and

healthcare efficiency

Hotel and
Tourism Services

healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


healthcare efficiency


Guides and Publications

The UAE Imports and Exports Guide

The guide provides a clear picture of the UAE imports and exports, and defines the procedures and requirements of importing goods by land, sea and air. It also highlights key laws regulating trade in the UAE, top export and import goods, promising economic sectors and other relevant information.

Top investment and export companies in the UAE

The guide provides detailed information on major companies operating in the UAE, classified by sector. It aims to help the UAE national companies communicate with foreign markets and raise awareness on leading economic sectors and the economic environment in the UAE.

For information and inquiries

Please email us or fill out the inquiry form below.


For information and inquiries - UAE Export

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Or call us on the toll-free number: 8001222

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