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null Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX)

Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX)
Category Hunting and equestrian

Frequency: Annual

Abu Dhabi

The largest event of its kind in the Middle East and Africa, ADIHEX brings together thousands of falconers, hunting and equestrian enthusiasts, traders, major buyers, and dignitaries from around the world, as well as the royal families of the region.

The event includes more than 10 sectors including arts and crafts, equestrian sports, falconry, hunting and safari trips, hunting and camping equipment, hunting weapons, projects to preserve cultural heritage, outdoor recreational vehicles and equipment, veterinary products and services, fishing and marine sports equipment, and professional media.

The event allows participants to meet distributors and partners, expand businesses and launch and promote the latest products, along with promoting and preserving cultural heritage.

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