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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher


Investment Incentives

Benefits for Investors in the UAE

The UAE offers various incentives to investors with the aim of increasing the number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in the country. With the government simultaneously eliminating barriers that hinder the flow of investments, this also supports the diversification of national income sources. The UAE seeks to make investments an enabler of the national economy.

Asset Publisher

null Benefits for the Industrial Sector

Benefits for the Industrial Sector

The UAE offers a package of competitive incentives to support investments in industrial and technology companies that are working in strategic sectors. In partnership with the Emirates Development Bank, those incentives offer competitive financing facilities for priority industries and advanced technology sectors, competitive tariff for energy sectors, customs exemption on investments and production inputs for the industrial sector, such as machinery and raw materials, in addition to the “In-Country Value (ICV) Program” and the “Make it in the Emirates” programme to unify the identity of the local industry, and other incentives provided to the industrial sector.

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