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Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development

Creating opportunities to boost the UAE’s entrepreneurial ecosystem

The Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development (KFED) aims at encouraging entrepreneurship, inculcating the culture of innovation, and supporting the SMEs, KFED is running several highly targeted financing and training initiatives. It aims to boost the efficiency and capability of entrepreneurs and SMEs by offering financing and service options, and networking opportunities with various stakeholders. Khalifa Fund was established in 2007 in Abu Dhabi along with its Al Ain branch, and offices in the Western region. In 2011, KFED expanded its scope to Northern Emirates, providing services to businesses in Ajman, Fujairah, and Ras Al Khaimah.


billion AED

Total amount of
activated loans
as of 2019



aimed at promoting
as of 2019

Programmes and Benefits

Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development

Khalifa Fund Membership Programme

The Khalifa Fund Membership Programme aims to offer business support to non-funded SMEs or to members that do not need funding for their projects. Various support services are offered for members of Khalifa Fund at different stages – setup, operational, and growth stages – with corresponding benefits such as waiving of government fees, enabling connections with stakeholders, business counseling, opportunities to access new markets, and participation in local and international tradeshows and exhibitions, among others.


Emiratis between the ages of 21 and 60 can submit their application

Abu Dhabi SME Hub

An interactive digital educational platform launched by the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development that aims to support SMEs and start-ups in the UAE through useful and rich knowledge content and provide adequate information on innovation, marketing, finance, project management and product development.


Entrepreneurs of all nationalities

Supporting Export Capabilities

KFED has partnered with Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI), the UAE Federal export credit company, to bolster the export capabilities of SMEs by providing access to export credit, financing and investment insurance products.


SMEs registered under Khalifa Fund


In partnership with Amazon, KFED established e-Empower, an online education programme that provides useful e-learning content to help SMEs succeed in the digital economy. The platform offers tools and insights on how SMEs can grow their business and expand customer base through by partnering with platforms:, e-Empower, Hello Business Hub,


Entrepreneurs of all nationalities

AI Mentor

Khalifa Fund provides an interactive advisory platform that offers a variety of digital and training tools for entrepreneurs during the business planning phase, and provides support when applying for funding to contribute to accelerating the planning procedures and start establishing entrepreneurial projects.


Khalifa Fund members and will be available to the public at a later stage

Contact Details

Call centre: 600 500 506

Online registration:

Website: Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development | Khalifa Fund

Communication Channels

Call centre and customer protection

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