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Mohammed Bin Rashid Innovation Fund

Supporting innovative entrepreneurs from around the world

An initiative by the UAE government and supported by the Ministry of Finance, it aims to achieve the goals of the National Innovation Strategy, fill the funding gap in innovation projects, and attract the best talents of start-up companies from all over the world. The fund specialises in supporting exceptional entrepreneurs with unique technical ideas and solutions. It provides financing services for projects registered in the UAE, regardless of the nationality of their owners. It finances projects within the priority sectors of the innovation strategy: technology, education, renewable energy, water, health, space, and transportation.

Programmes and Benefits

Mohammed Bin Rashid Innovation Fund

Innovation Accelerator Programme

The Innovation Accelerator aims to support innovators and entrepreneurs with promising potential, with key resources and services specifically designed to accelerate business growth and ensure success. Innovators gain opportunities for training and mentoring by international experts and partners. The accelerator programme covers five main services: strategic business direction, study and analysis of business models, providing access to different clients and markets, financing, and identifying the best recruitment strategies.

Guarantee Scheme

The Guarantee Scheme helps entrepreneurs to obtain the necessary financing during its development stages. This program is supported by the UAE government to provide financing solutions with flexible repayment periods at low cost and the requirement to own a share in the business, to maximise their growth potential.


For entrepreneurs of all nationalities who wish to establish economic activities in the UAE

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